Monday, November 16, 2020

Nenova: Ingerish Village



 Ingerish Village is the newest development in the city of Nenova. This neighborhood is a rich, artsy, urbanist neighborhood relative to the rest of the city, as prefigured by its position between the University of Aquilia and the downtown. There is still a diversity of house sizes and a number of apartments- including one whole block. The southern edge of the neighborhood is bounded by E street and Nenova Park, the western edge by Overhill Avenue, the eastern edge by North Barstone Road, and the north edge by Huntington Avenue. The major arterials are the median-ed ESE-WNW Carther Boulevard and the N-SWS North Hackney Street. The street network is generally aligned to the stream that runs to the north of the neighborhood, rather than the nearby Akogama River. That can be found in many places, including this neighborhood of Toledo, OH (courtesy Perry-Castañeda Library
Map Collection):


 This type of neighborhood is commonplace to the point that it might seem to not need an explanation, but there are a lot of subtle details you can notice in these neighborhoods, both real and fictional. One aspect is the sidewalks on every road, the relatively high density of schools, and the extremely localized (even block-level) inequality, and the pool club. More unique features include a jazz restaurant and museum, the UofA enclave with the Vannheim Art Museum and its arts centre/teaching facility St. Josephs Art Center, and the Old Georges Theatre. To a certain extent I am liable to create places I want to go to, so the Geography Museum of Aquilia is present as well.

Some of the apartments in this neighborhood are funded by a city revitalization effort, whereby low-income housing is constructed in areas of historic neighborhoods. This also assures that they're not blocks of brutalist wasteland, but houses that fit in with the general aesthetic- lotss of brick and the occasional Victorian exterior.

Thanks for reading,
